American Historical Association meeting

Year Conference was held: 2019

Years the Conferences has been held: 136

Disciplines: History

Gender Balance/Diversity Statement: None

Registration Cost (US dollars): $84-$358

Total Attendance Cost (US dollars): $1000-1500

Travel Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 10000

Other Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 2500

Associated Scientific Society/Organization: American Historical Association

Approx number of Society members (as of 2018): 12000

Approximate Number of Conference Attendees (Exhibitors included): 5000

Geographic Location(s): Washington DC, USA

Years held (Annual, Biannual, Triannual): Annual

Host, Funders and Sponsors: No information available online

Digital or Virtual Options: None

Digital Archives (Recorded talks & slides): None

Electronic program dissemination:

On-site Maternity Facilities: None

On-site Childcare Facilities/Services: Yes

Caregiver Grant: Yes (The Association will offer grants of up to $250 USD to assist AHA members who have childcare costs during the meeting. The grants are intended to help offset the cost of child care, enabling attendees with dependent children to attend the meeting.)

Career Development Events and Workshops: Yes

ECR Promotion Events: None

Travel Awards for ECRs: Yes (Only graduates student members and un/underemployed members of the Association are eligible to apply for the AHA Council Annual Meeting Travel Grants. Please note: No individual is eligible to receive more than one travel grant. Preference will be given to those who have previously applied but not received an award. $200-$400 each)

Code of Conduct:

Safety Instructions/Apps: None

Keynote Speaker Gender Balance: Not Applicable to this meeting.

Speaker Gender Balance: 4 Women: 5 Men

Invited Speakers Gender Balance: Not Applicable to this meeting.

Session Chair Gender Balance: 244 Men: 217 Women

Conference Chair Gender Balance: Program Committee: 9 Men: 7 Women, Local committee: 5 Women: 4 Men

Enviromental Sustainability efforts: None

Public Engagement Events Outreach: None

Sustainability Initiatives/Considerations/Green Strategies/Policies: None

Conference URL:

Other Details/Announcements or Publications:

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