BMES meeting

Year Conference was held: 2019

Years the Conferences has been held: 35

Disciplines: Biomedical Engineering

Gender Balance/Diversity Statement: None

Registration Cost (US dollars): $250-$1250

Total Attendance Cost (US dollars): $500-$2000

Travel Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 9000

Other Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 2250

Associated Scientific Society/Organization: the Biomedical Engineering Society

Approx number of Society members (as of 2018): 7000

Approximate Number of Conference Attendees (Exhibitors included): 4500

Geographic Location(s): Philadelphia, PA, United States

Years held (Annual, Biannual, Triannual): Annual

Host, Funders and Sponsors: Virginia Tech Wake Forest University, Johns Hokpins University, University of Pennsylvania, Georgia Tech University department of Biomedical Engineering, UCDavis Biomedical Engineering, Temple University College of Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas Department of Bioengineering, CLEMSON Bioengineering, Washington University at St.Louis, University of Maryland, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, University of Florida Department of Biomedical Engineering, Mayo Clinic, University of Washington Department of Bioengineering, Lehigh University, Texas A & M University Biomedical Engineering, The University of Utah, University of Cincinnati College of Applied Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Bioengineering Department

Digital or Virtual Options: None

Digital Archives (Recorded talks & slides): None

Electronic program dissemination:

On-site Maternity Facilities: None

On-site Childcare Facilities/Services: None

Caregiver Grant: None

Career Development Events and Workshops: Yes (Student and Early Career Program Mentor Match-up : The Mentor Match-Up program session connects mentors and mentees based on their common interests. This workshop provides members the opportunity to connect with a student member to help them in their professional development, and to establish a mentor/mentee relationship beyond the annual meeting. Perfecting the First-time Student and Early Career experience. designed for the First Time Student and Early Career Attendee, and hear how to take advantage of all that is offered. This session will provide you with information and insight to easily navigate the Annual Meeting in order for you to make the most out of your time in Phoenix. Networking: A Required Life Skill in a Diverse 21st Century To succeed in todays competitive world, who you know can be as critical as what you know. Successfully networking - developing and utilizing contacts - is an essential skill. Networking involves: 1) making contacts, 2) establishing cordial relationships, and 3) foraging mutual bonds to share information, knowledge, and expertise. This session explores skills and techniques germane to successful networking. Coop/Intern and Industrial Relations Workshop – Part II (by invitation) The industrial relations workshop is for BME faculty, administrators and staff to collectively discuss challenges and share best practices for engaging industry and promoting students for hire (coop/intern and full-time positions). The workshop includes an industry panel, an update on BMES industry activities, and group discussion time. Participants will work in groups based on geographical region to foster regional collaboration and program engagement. BME Careers in Industry I Explore the various industry options for BME professionals. Representatives from industry share their career paths, educational training, insight into the hiring market, and suggestions for current students and recent graduates. BME Careers in Academia Hear about the various career paths and opportunities in academia. Representatives from academia share their career paths, educational training, and suggestions for current students and recent graduates. Talk to the Industry Executive Stan Rowe, Corp. VP, & Chief Scientific Officer, Edwards Lifesciences Join us for an informative and interactive mix of presentations and discussions with industry executive Stan Rowe of Edwards Lifesciences. In this session you will have the opportunity to network Stan as he shares his career pathway, highlights and tips for navigating and succeeding in the BME industry field from entry level to executive. Rapid Resume Review Experienced BME professionals will review an electronic or hard copy of your resume and work with you to make improvements. BME Entrepreneurship Careers Entrepreneurs discuss the translational path; how to take an idea from concept to commercial product, resources available to students interested in translated their technologies both within and outside the university, and licensing and start-up options. BME Alternative Careers BME alumni and representatives share their career paths, educational training, and insight into working in the government, law, healthcare information technology and medicine. Suggestions for current students and recent graduates who want to pursue these career paths will be presented. Student Chapter Session I BMES Student Chapter Session - Outstanding Chapter Best Practices Outstanding Student Chapter awardee University of California, San Diego will provide their chapter best practices along with the Commendable Achievement awardee Arizona State University. During this workshop each chapter will have the opportunity to present their chapter’s goals and accomplishments. This will allow new and current student chapters an opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas and implement new goals for their upcoming year. Student Chapter Session II BMES Student Chapter Session - Mentoring, Outreach, and Chatper-Industry Best Practices Outstanding Mentoring awardee Clemson University will provide their chapter best-practices along with the Outreach Program awardee University of Pennsylvania; each will discuss their goals and the success of their programs. Following their presentations Chapter-Industry awardee University of Maryland will present their chapter-industry best practices. During this workshop, exchange ideas and implement new goals for their upcoming year. Graduate School Part I: Navigating the Graduate School Application/Financial Aid Process Advanced degree level training has emerged as a key requirement for garnering positions of leadership in academia, government, and industry and for careering in todays workplace. Beyond this, an advanced degree signals scholarship, maturity, and the capacity to do rigorous work; all attributes that can provide an edge in today’s world. This session is designed to provide information on strategies germane to: 1) developing and implementing a successful graduate school admission application; and 2) securing graduate student financial aid support. Graduate School Part II: Surviving, Thriving, and Succeeding Succeeding as a graduate student is all about achieving one’s purpose - personal dreams and aspirations for pursuing an advance degree. An individual’s graduate school venture can take many different turns, but nearly all of them present unique opportunities for growing and developing in areas of knowledge acquisition, personal development, performance management, professionalism, and leadership. This session explores the language, philosophy, and critical strategies applicable to setting the bar high to survive, thrive, achieve, excel, and succeed as a graduate student. BMES Undergraduate Student Design Competition design teams that were selected. The top 6 include Florida Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University, Purdue University, Stevens Institute of Technology, University of Maryland and Virginia Commonwealth University. This competition allows each Design team to orally present their projects and student to ask questions after each presentation. Upon completion of all presentations, the judges will select and announce the top 3 winners. Winners will receive first, second and third place prize money during the awards ceremony. BMES Careers in Industry II Explore the various industry options for BME professionals. Representatives from industry share their career paths, educational training, insight into the hiring market, and suggestions for current students and recent graduates.)

ECR Promotion Events: Yes (1. Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster Session! Allocated to postdoctoral researchers going on the faculty job market. 2.CMBE Young Innovatores: 7 Women: 5 Men. 3. BMES Mid-Career Award - is awarded each year to a BMES member in good standing to recognize meritorious achievements and energetic leadership in biomedical engineering. The achievements may be in scholarship, education, mentorship, or practice of biomedical engineering, and must include significant involvement and sustained contributions to BMES. 4. Student Chapter recognition awards:Outstanding Achievement Award : This award is given in recognition of outstanding leadership and immeasurable growth. Chapters who demonstrate they lead the field in social activities, fundraising, mentorship, community outreach, and industry partnership will be considered for the student chapter Outstanding Achievement award. The award consists of Two complimentary annual meeting registrations, Travel support reimbursements of up to $1,750. The winning chapter will also be asked to lead a best practice panel at the BMES Annual Meeting, as well as to participate in a webinar featuring their successes. Commendable Achievement Award This award follows the Outstanding Achievement award and will go to the chapter who demonstrates they are second to only one; a chapter who has unlimited opportunities for growth and success and has demonstrated the ability to lead in many different facets. The award consists of Two complimentary annual meeting registrations, Travel support reimbursements of up to $1,250, The winning chapter will also be asked to lead a best practice panel at the BMES Annual Meeting, as well as to participate in a webinar featuring their successes. Outstanding Outreach Program Award This award will go to those chapters who demonstrate leadership in community outreach, service, and STEM volunteerism; winning chapters show the positive impact their programs have brought to the community., The award consists of Two complimentary annual meeting registrations, Travel support reimbursements of up to $1,000, The winning chapter will also be asked to lead a best practice panel at the BMES Annual Meeting, as well as to participate in a webinar featuring their successes. Outstanding Mentoring Program Award This award will go to those chapters who demonstrate leadership in mentorship among their chapter members; winning chapters provide a step-by-step guide on how their mentorship program was set up, how it was encouraged throughout the year, and the impact it had. Special consideration will be shown to those collegiate student chapters who mentor high school student chapters in a tangible way. The award consists of Two complimentary annual meeting registrations, Travel support reimbursements of up to $1,000, The winning chapter will also be asked to lead a best practice panel at the BMES Annual Meeting, as well as to participate in a webinar featuring their successes. Outstanding Chapter Industry Program Award This award will go to those chapters who demonstrate outstanding partnership with industries in their community; chapters who go above and beyond by creating joint programs with academic and industry leaders in the BME field in order to give their members a headstart upon graduation. The award consists of Two complimentary annual meeting registrations, Travel support reimbursements of up to $1,000, The winning chapter will also be asked to lead a best practice panel at the BMES Annual Meeting, as well as to participate in a webinar featuring their successes.)

Travel Awards for ECRs: Yes Student Chapter Travel Awards: Three student chapters will be awarded the Chapter Travel Award to assist them in their goal to attend the annual meeting. This award will go to those chapters who demonstrate both how attending the annual meeting will help their members and how their chapter has grown with finite resources. The award consists of Travel Support of $2,000

Code of Conduct:

Safety Instructions/Apps: None

Keynote Speaker Gender Balance: 4 Men: 3 Women

Speaker Gender Balance: Same as Keynote.

Invited Speakers Gender Balance: Distingished Lecutrers: 4 Men: 2 Women

Session Chair Gender Balance: 28 Women:19 Men

Conference Chair Gender Balance: Conference co-chairs: 2 Man: 1 Women

Enviromental Sustainability efforts: None

Public Engagement Events Outreach: None

Sustainability Initiatives/Considerations/Green Strategies/Policies: None

Conference URL:

Other Details/Announcements or Publications:

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