EMC2020 (The European Microscopy Congress)

Year Conference was held: 2020

Years the Conferences has been held: 17

Disciplines: Microscopy, Imaging

Gender Balance/Diversity Statement: None

Registration Cost (US dollars): $293-$834

Total Attendance Cost (US dollars): $2000-4000

Travel Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 3000

Other Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 750

Associated Scientific Society/Organization: Royal Microscopical Society under the auspices of the EMS and IFSM

Approx number of Society members (as of 2018): 2000

Approximate Number of Conference Attendees (Exhibitors included): 1500

Geographic Location(s): Copenhagen, Denmark

Years held (Annual, Biannual, Triannual): Quadrennial

Host, Funders and Sponsors: hosted by SCANDEM (Nordic Microscopy Society), and organised by the UKs Royal Microscopical Society, sponsored by EMS (European Microscopy Society), IFSM (International Federation of Societies for Microscopy), FEI(https://www.fei.com/home/), JEOL(http://jeol.fr/), Hitachi(https://www.hitachi-hightech.com/eu/product_list/?ld=sms2&version=), Tescan(https://www.tescan.com/), Zeiss(https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/int/home.html?vaURL=www.zeiss.com/microscopy), Burker(https://www.bruker.com/),

Digital or Virtual Options: None

Digital Archives (Recorded talks & slides): None

Electronic program dissemination:

On-site Maternity Facilities: None

On-site Childcare Facilities/Services: None

Caregiver Grant: None

Career Development Events and Workshops: Yes (1. Managing Large Microscopy Facilities A Round Table linked to the ‘Network Lunch Workhop’ to discuss and exchange about how to run large microscopy facilities open to scientific communities; free admission for EMC participants.) and a Leadership Workshop for Scientists (https://www.emc2020.eu/meetings-features/pre-congress-workshops-and-satellite-meetings.html#leadership)

ECR Promotion Events: Yes https://www.emc2020.eu/meetings-features/early-career-workshop.html

Travel Awards for ECRs: None

Code of Conduct: https://www.rms.org.uk/uploads/assets/af0f7408-b9b8-4562-a49e6c662297e3bd/code-conduct.pdf

Safety Instructions/Apps: None

Keynote Speaker Gender Balance: Not Applicable to this meeting.

Speaker Gender Balance: 4 Men: 2 Women

Invited Speakers Gender Balance: 19 Men: 9 Women

Session Chair Gender Balance: 11 Men: 10 women

Conference Chair Gender Balance: Conference chair: 1 Man

Enviromental Sustainability efforts: None

Public Engagement Events Outreach: None

Sustainability Initiatives/Considerations/Green Strategies/Policies: None

Conference URL: https://www.emc2020.eu/conference/plenary-speakers.html

Other Details/Announcements or Publications: http://emc2016.fr/en/general-information/the-congress

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