Entomology 2019

Year Conference was held: 2019

Years the Conferences has been held: 131

Disciplines: Entomology

Gender Balance/Diversity Statement: None

Registration Cost (US dollars): $215-$950

Total Attendance Cost (US dollars): $2000-$4000

Travel Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 7306

Other Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 1826.5

Associated Scientific Society/Organization: American Society for Entomology

Approx number of Society members (as of 2018): 6000

Approximate Number of Conference Attendees (Exhibitors included): 3653

Geographic Location(s): Saint Louis, USA

Years held (Annual, Biannual, Triannual): Annual

Host, Funders and Sponsors: BAYER, CORTEVA, BASF, SC Johnson, Syngenta, AgBiTech

Digital or Virtual Options: None

Digital Archives (Recorded talks & slides): Keynote presentations and Symposium talks were reocrded and are archived available on Youtube.

Electronic program dissemination:

On-site Maternity Facilities: Yes (Mothers’ Rooms: Two private spaces for nursing mothers are available within America’s Center. A Mamava pod is available just outside Room 106, and Room 251 will be set up with private, curtained space. Both rooms will have refrigerators available. To access the Mamava, use the access code posted near the door when it is not in use. ESA also supports all nursing mothers to nurse as needed in all general meeting spaces and nursing in public is protected by Missouri state law.)

On-site Childcare Facilities/Services: None

Caregiver Grant: None

Career Development Events and Workshops: Yes Lunch & Learn Series on: 1. Selling Yourself and Building Your Brand as an Early Career Professional (After constantly talking about your research as a graduate student, you forget how to talk about YOURSELF! It feels selfish to ramble about personal accomplishments in an interview. However, landing a job requires personal advocacy, so visit our lunch and learn to finally get comfortable building and selling your brand!) 2. Funding Opportunities at the National Science Foundation (The National Science Foundation (NSF) provides many opportunities for funding basic research and training in ecology, evolution, behavior, physiology, collections, and a variety of related disciplines. Covered topics will include the no deadline model, the Rules of Life track within the Directorate for Biological Sciences, and other funding opportunities) 3. Navigating Cultural Diversity in Scientific Research, Education, and Leadership (With the growing importance of diversity and inclusivity in various professional fields, there is a need to educate students and early professionals for a successful career. The goal of our session is to facilitate discussions with professionals in academia and industry with the experience in a culturally diverse workplace.) 4. How to Advocate for Your Publications(As the amount of research published increases each year, individual scientists have the power to cut through the clutter and advocate for the importance and interest of their work. Learn how your peers have successfully promoted their publications and gain the tools and skills you need to do the same.) 5.Getting Your Foot in the Door for Section Leadership Positions(Interested in getting more involved in the SysEB Section? Join current SysEB Section Governing Council members to learn more about their roles, responsibilities, and in-roads to leadership. The Governing Council will also serve as a panel to answer any questions from attendees.) 6. So, You’re on the Academic Job Market: Drafting Memorable Statements, Secrets from the Search Committee, and Advice from Recent Hires(Applying for academic jobs? Seeking guidance from entomologists who have gone through the process recently? Then join us as we cover preparing your application materials (curriculum vitae, plus teaching, research, and diversity statements), the phone interview, the on-campus interview, and insider information on how search committees review applicants.) 7. What’s Your Story? Tips and Tricks for Telling Compelling Entomology(This session will explore the art of sharing your entomological expertise through non-scientific writing taught. Attendees will learn how to write captivating stories, both fiction and nonfiction, to share our science with a general audience.)

ECR Promotion Events: Social Events: ECR professionals reception, Student reception, LGBTQAI+mixer, Women and Allies in Entomology Breakfast, Graduate Student Award

Travel Awards for ECRs: Yes (The Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity (SysEB) Section leadership invites SysEB undergraduate and graduate students to submit applications for the SysEB Student Research Travel Award Program (SRTA). Travel awards provide funding for student fieldwork and/or research travel to other institutions to enhance research projects. Successful proposals from graduate students will be funded through support from the SysEB Section; top-ranked proposals from graduate students will be recognized and funded separately by the SysEB Student Research Endowment (SRE). Typical award amounts are approximately $1,000-$1,500. Payment of the award will occur upon completion of travel as reimbursement. Students must provide evidence of travel (copy of boarding pass, hotel receipts, etc.) and copies of collecting and export permits (if applicable). Travel must be completed within a year of the award date.)

Code of Conduct: https://www.entsoc.org/conduct

Safety Instructions/Apps: None

Keynote Speaker Gender Balance: 13 Men

Speaker Gender Balance: Defined Same as Keynote speaker.

Invited Speakers Gender Balance: No information available online.

Session Chair Gender Balance: 143 Men: 123 Women

Conference Chair Gender Balance: 8 Women: 6 Men

Enviromental Sustainability efforts: None

Public Engagement Events Outreach: None

Sustainability Initiatives/Considerations/Green Strategies/Policies: None

Conference URL: https://www.entsoc.org/entomology2019

Other Details/Announcements or Publications: Entomology 2019 was a four days filled with 236 scientific sessions featuring 2,205 oral and 680 poster presentations with 3,653 attendees from 61 different countries. This year was a record setting event with 1,150 students attending.

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