European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB)

Year Conference was held: 2020

Years the Conferences has been held: 12

Disciplines: Mathematical and Theoretical Biology

Gender Balance/Diversity Statement: None

Registration Cost (US dollars): $325-$650

Total Attendance Cost (US dollars): $2000-4000

Travel Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 4000

Other Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 1000

Associated Scientific Society/Organization: Heidelberg University, a joint event organized by the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB) and the Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB)

Approx number of Society members (as of 2018): 4000

Approximate Number of Conference Attendees (Exhibitors included): 2000

Geographic Location(s): Heidelberg, Germany

Years held (Annual, Biannual, Triannual): Biennial

Host, Funders and Sponsors: Ciencias ULisboa(, CAMAFcIO(, ESMTB(

Digital or Virtual Options: None

Digital Archives (Recorded talks & slides): None

Electronic program dissemination:

On-site Maternity Facilities: None

On-site Childcare Facilities/Services: Yes on-site but Not Free (Participants are welcome to avail of the childcare service (German or English language) for children between 1 and 10 years. The flexible childcare service is available from Monday to Friday. For appropriate planning, we kindly ask you to indicate your interest in a childcare service while registering for the conference and no later than July 1st, 2020. We will then make the arrangements with the childcare service. The prices are 8-10 Euros per child per hour.)

Caregiver Grant: None

Career Development Events and Workshops: Yes (1. All conference attendees have the opportunity to participate in the ECMTB mentoring program which aims to pair Senior and Junior scientists, facilitating networking and the exchange of scientific ideas, feedback on conference presentations, and career advice. Within the registration form, participants will be asked to indicate whether they would like to take part in the mentoring program as a mentor, mentee or both. In addition, they will be asked to indicate their research interests. 2.SMB Early Career Workshop including a variety of presentations and discussions around careers in mathematical biology.)

ECR Promotion Events: None

Travel Awards for ECRs: None

Code of Conduct: None

Safety Instructions/Apps: None

Keynote Speaker Gender Balance: Not Applicable to this meeting.

Speaker Gender Balance: Same as Invited Speakers.

Invited Speakers Gender Balance: 5 Men: 4 Women

Session Chair Gender Balance: 7 Men: 3 Women

Conference Chair Gender Balance: Organizing Committee: 3 Women: 2 Men, Conference Chairs: 2 Men: 1 Woman

Enviromental Sustainability efforts: None

Public Engagement Events Outreach: None

Sustainability Initiatives/Considerations/Green Strategies/Policies: None

Conference URL:

Other Details/Announcements or Publications: The ECMTB 2018 Organizing Committee is setting up a Mentorship Program to facilitate research and career interactions between junior and senior scientists attending the meeting. Participants of ECMTB 2018 can sign up to be part of the mentorship program, either as a mentee, a mentor, or both. Junior scientists can request to be mentored by a senior scientist, and senior scientists can offer themselves as mentors. Junior scientists include students, post-doctoral fellows, research assistants and newly appointed faculty members. Senior scientists include postdoctoral fellows, research assistants, established faculty members. The following types of interactions between mentors and mentees are encouraged: -mentors and mentees have a lunch (or dinner) together to discuss the mentees’ scientific interests and educational plan and/or career aims; mentors share their career experience with their mentees; mentors attend the (poster or lecture) presentation of the mentee and provide constructive feedback; mentors introduce mentees to their colleagues to help the mentee establish a professional network. Typically, the mentor initiates these activities. However, we encourage mentees to also prepare for their participation, with specific questions and goals they would like to achieve at the conference.

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