Year Conference was held: 2020
Years the Conferences has been held: 40
Disciplines: Evolution, Molecular Ecology
Gender Balance/Diversity Statement: Yes (In service to the goals of our three sponsoring societies (ASN, SSB, and SSE), the conference organizers and the Joint Meeting Committee are committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all of our attendees. This commitment starts with our choice of the conference location as we will not schedule conferences in states with laws that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression at the time we sign contracts with the convention center and hotels. During the conference we strive to schedule social events that focus on inclusivity and networking. Here, we provide a list of events focused on diversity and networking that we plan to offer during Evolution 2020 in Cleveland, OH.)
Registration Cost (US dollars): $330-$750
Total Attendance Cost (US dollars): $2000-$4000
Travel Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 4000
Other Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 1000
Associated Scientific Society/Organization: American Society of Naturalists; the Society for the Study of Evolution; the Society of Systematic Biologists
Approx number of Society members (as of 2018): 4000
Approximate Number of Conference Attendees (Exhibitors included): 2000
Geographic Location(s): Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Years held (Annual, Biannual, Triannual): Annual
Host, Funders and Sponsors: American Society of Naturalists, the Society for the Study of Evolution, the Society of Systematic Biologists, Communication Biology Journal, The Royal Society Publishing, Kent State University
Digital or Virtual Options: None
Digital Archives (Recorded talks & slides): Some of the talks and posters were archived online from past meetings (
Electronic program dissemination:
On-site Maternity Facilities: Yes (A private nursing room will be available in a convenient location in the convention center. There will be a table, a few chairs, and a refrigerator available in the room.)
On-site Childcare Facilities/Services: Yes Free Childcare (Childcare is provided by KiddieCorp, a national organization that specializes in on-site conference childcare)
Caregiver Grant: None
Career Development Events and Workshops: Yes (1. Science Communication 101: Description: Sure, your research is the most exciting and important science out there! But to have an impact, it must be communicated in ways that enable people to understand and compel them to care. This workshop will combine empirical evidence gained from science communication research with fun, engaging activities to provide you with strategies and approaches to help you communicate your work effectively to diverse audiences. It will also explore specific strategies for communicating “controversial” science in non-controversial, non-confrontational ways.), (2.Command-Line Bioinformatics for Beginners: Description: A day-long workshop that will teach 40 beginners the basics of command line programming and pipeline use for biological data. A short application is required separate from conference registration (see below), with preference given to individuals with limited access to bioinformatics resources at their current institution and/or are graduate students. $100 travel waivers are available for those with financial needs. ), (3.Strategies for Responding to Harassment and Bullying: Improving Workplace Climate :Description: This interactive workshop describes academic practices and institutional structures that allow for sexual harassment and other hostile behaviors, including bullying, to persist, discusses initiatives to address these as research misconduct, and provides training in personal intervention strategies to protect and support targets of harassment. As a result of this session, participants will be able to identify: (1) different ways in which sexual and other types of harassment can manifest in research environments, including fieldwork; (2) strategies for bystander intervention, and (3) resources for cultural change in academic institutions, field research environments, and professional societies. This workshop was developed by the ADVANCEGeo Partnership.), (4.Leveraging your PhD: Careers in and out of Academia: Description: The key goals of the workshop are to guide students and postdocs through the first steps of personal career exploration and necessary actions for active planning of post-graduate school or post-postdoctoral stages. In addition to small-group conversations with professionals from various careers, the session will include interactive presentations on professional branding/ marketing, networking, informational interviews, etc. Participants will leave the workshop with resources and assets to leverage against their job search. Based on our past workshops, we expect that workshop attendees will experience greater confidence regarding career options, and with actionable items and strategies for successive efforts. ), (5. Reproducibility for Everyone: Description: Rigor and reproducibility are at the core of modern science and set apart scientific inquiry from pseudoscience. Several new initiatives and tools have been established to address barriers to reproducibility. While very welcome, these projects have led to a proliferation of online tools and resources which can be hard to sift through. This workshop will introduce you to reproducible workflows and a range of tools along the themes of organization, documentation, analysis, and dissemination.), (6. Undergraduate Diversity at Evolution: Career Development Workshop: Description: This workshop is part of the Undergraduate Diversity at Evolution program which provides funds for travel, lodging, and meeting registration for undergraduate students in an effort to increase diversity. The workshop will cover topics such as networking at conferences and applying to graduate school, and is open to all undergraduates, even those not part of the UDE program. Lunch is provided. In the afternoon the group will be taking a field trip to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.), (7. Professional Development for Undergraduate Educators: Evolution of Data in the Classroom: From Data to Data Science: Description: There is increased interest in including data science education in biology, building on existing initiatives to enhance quantitative skills and increase experience with real data, and leveraging access to large biological data sets and computational analysis of data. Basic quantitative skills and ability to work with data are important parts of data acumen – the foundational skills that allow students to engage in data science practices. This workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss relevant data science practices and skills for biology students to master, and resources for teaching those skills. ), (8. Peer Review in the Journal Evolution: A Primer for Students: Description: Are you a trainee who would like to get the publication and peer review process demystified, specifically in regard to the journal Evolution? Come to this informal short session to get your questions answered and to chat with some of the editorial board.), (9. Public Policy Panel Discussion: Description: Are you interested in promoting scientific research to the public and legislators, but are not sure how to get started? This event, which will feature a panel of experts in science policy, will equip you with the tools you need to begin engaging with key decision makers in your community.), (10. Evolution Film Festival: Description: One of the highlights of the conference that should not be missed! We asked the science and science education communities to tell a story about evolution in 3 minutes or less using animation, art, music, dance, etc. Join us for an evening of terrifically informative and entertaining videos, while enjoying free popcorn and beer/wine/soda. To learn more and see past years’ entries, go to and follow #evofilmfest on Twitter.), (11. iEvoBio Software Bazaar: Description: iEvoBio is a satellite event bringing together evolutionary biologists who work on a broad spectrum of problems involving computation, mathematics and statistics. More information at the iEvoBio website. Registration for iEvoBio includes two events: the Software Bazaar and a post-conference workshop. The Software Bazaar is similar to a poster session, but presenters have laptops to show off their software instead of posters. Presenters are expected to bring their own laptops. The Software Bazaar is free to participate.) three more days of workshops here:
ECR Promotion Events: Yes (A) Graduate Student Mayr and Hamilton awards: Students who are members of the Society for the Study of Evolution or the Society of Systematic Biologists may be eligible to apply for the SSEs Hamilton Award or the SSBs Ernst Mayr Award during talk submission until the early registration deadline (April 15, 2020) or until all talk slots fill. Consult the society pages linked above for eligibility criteria. Those planning to apply should sign up early for a Regular Contributed Talk, because once these slots fill, it will no longer be possible to apply for these awards. If your application is successful, you will speak in either the Mayr or Hamilton Award Symposium; if not, your talk will be scheduled during the regular concurrent sessions. Applicants will be informed the outcome of the selection process by May 15 at the latest. Talk submission is only available after your main registration has been completed. (B)Ruth Patrick Student Poster award: The Ruth Patrick Student Poster Award was established in 2012 to recognize a student member of the American Society of Naturalists who has presented an outstanding poster at the annual meeting. Student members can indicate their eligibility for this award if they submit a poster before the early registration deadline (April 15, 2020). Ruth Patrick was a renowned limnologist, past president of the ASN (1975), and a Lifetime Honorary Member of the society. The winner of the award receives $1,000. Students will be asked to indicate their eligibility for this award during the poster submission process. Poster submission is only available after your main registration has been completed.) (2. Evolutionary Biologists with Disabilities and Allies Coffee Mixer: Description: Interested in meeting fellow evolutionary biologists with disabilities, chronic illness, Deaf folks, and interested allies? Want to discuss increasing the inclusion and representation of disabled students and staff in our diverse field? This is an informal chance to meet others interested in these topics, share experiences of disability in evolutionary biology, and hopefully increase our inclusion around issues of disability as a community. Anyone at any career stage and level of ability (including allies) is welcome to come join us.). (3. Women in Science Coffee Social: Description: This event offers an opportunity for attendees who identify as women or minoritized genders to meet, network, and discuss their experiences. Allies are welcome, as are scientists from all stages of their career.) (4. NSF Information Session: Description: An information session on NSF funding opportunities and program changes.) (5. The John Edmonstone Coffee Social for Scientists of Color: Description: This event is named after John Edmonstone, who was born into slavery in British Guiana and eventually taught and influenced a young Charles Darwin. Edmonstones life highlights that people of color have been present--if invisible--in the development of evolutionary biology from the beginning. This social is an opportunity to interact with evolutionary biologists at all stages of their career and training who identify as people of color, and their allies. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet, discuss their work, share experiences, establish mentor-mentee connections, and build on constructive ways to make evolutionary biology a more inclusive community.). see more here:
Travel Awards for ECRs: Travel support: ASN student travel supplement, Graduate student members of the ASN can request to be considered for a $500 US travel award. To be eligible, the student must present a talk or poster and must not have received the travel award in the previous year. Student members of both the ASN and SSE can apply for both travel awards, but can receive a maximum of one. SSE graduate student and postdoc travel supplement Graduate student and postdoc members of the SSE can request to be considered for a $500 US travel award. To be eligible, they must present a talk or poster and must not have received the travel award in the previous year. Postdocs must also be fewer than 6 years post-PhD without a permanent position. Student members of both the ASN and SSE can apply for both travel awards, but can receive a maximum of one. Volunteer at the conference In return for volunteering for two ~4h shifts, graduate students can receive a rebate equal to 100percent of the regular early student member registration fee. Registration fees must be paid in advance and the rebate will be processed after the meeting, subject to satisfactory completion of assigned volunteer duties. SSE Undergraduate Diversity at Evolution travel award The Undergraduate Diversity at Evolution (UDE) travel award brings talented and diverse undergraduates (domestic and international) to the meeting to present a poster, receive mentoring and participate in a career-oriented workshop on the Friday before the main meeting. SSE Undergraduate Day The Society for the Study of Evolution is sponsoring registration costs for ten local (i.e. Cleveland) undergraduate students to attend the conference for one day (Saturday, June 20). Undergraduates selected for this opportunity will be paired with graduate student mentors from around the country to help them navigate through the meeting and answer any questions they may have both before and during the event. SSE International travel stipends These stipends support attendance at the conference for scientists at various stages of their professional career (e.g., Masters/PhD students, postdocs, and lecturers). You must be a member of the SSE. Travel support for ESEB members These stipends are for students and young scientists to attend the Evolution meeting of ASN/SSB/SSE in Cleveland, OH, USA on 19-23 June 2020. Applicants must be ESEB members and those working in high GDP countries are not eligible. The stipend will contribute to covering travel, living expenses, and early bird congress registration fees. The registration fee will be waived by the organizers, and deducted from the award, which is paid out as reimbursement after the congress based on specification of expenses. Additional information, including the application procedure, is available at There are also student awards?: Graduate Student Mayr and Hamilton awards. Students who are members of the Society for the Study of Evolution or the Society of Systematic Biologists may be eligible to apply for the SSEs, Hamilton Award or the SSBs Ernst Mayr Award during talk submission until the early registration deadline (April 15, 2020) or until all talk slots fill. Consult the society pages linked above for eligibility criteria. Those planning to apply should sign up early for a Regular Contributed Talk, because once these slots fill, it will no longer be possible to apply for these awards. If your application is successful, you will speak in either the Mayr or Hamilton Award Symposium; if not, your talk will be scheduled during the regular concurrent sessions. Applicants will be informed the outcome of the selection process by May 15 at the latest. Talk submission is only available after your main registration has been completed. Ruth Patrick Student Poster award: The Ruth Patrick Student Poster Award was established in 2012 to recognize a student member of the American Society of Naturalists who has presented an outstanding poster at the annual meeting. Student members can indicate their eligibility for this award if they submit a poster before the early registration deadline (April 15, 2020). Ruth Patrick was a renowned limnologist, past president of the ASN (1975), and a Lifetime. Honorary Member of the society. The winner of the award receives $1,000. Students will be asked to indicate their eligibility for this award during the poster submission process. Poster submission is only available after your main registration has been completed.
Code of Conduct:
Safety Instructions/Apps: None
Keynote Speaker Gender Balance: 2 Men: 1 Woman
Speaker Gender Balance: Not Applicable to this meeting.
Invited Speakers Gender Balance: Not Applicable to this meeting.
Session Chair Gender Balance: 2 Men: 4 Women
Conference Chair Gender Balance: 4 Men : 3 Women
Enviromental Sustainability efforts: None
Public Engagement Events Outreach: None
Sustainability Initiatives/Considerations/Green Strategies/Policies: None
Conference URL:
Other Details/Announcements or Publications: In person conference was pivoted to online due to covid