Plant-Herbivore Interaction GRC

Year Conference was held: 2019

Years the Conferences has been held: 15

Disciplines: Ecology

Gender Balance/Diversity Statement: Diversity efforts for undergaduates not speaker balance:

Registration Cost (US dollars): $300-$600

Total Attendance Cost (US dollars): $2000-$4000

Travel Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 400

Other Carbon Footprint (tons of CO2): 100

Associated Scientific Society/Organization: Gordon Research Conferences (GRC)

Approx number of Society members (as of 2018): Not Applicable

Approximate Number of Conference Attendees (Exhibitors included): 200

Geographic Location(s): Ventura, USA

Years held (Annual, Biannual, Triannual): Biennial

Host, Funders and Sponsors: Gordon Research Conferences, Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship program, USDA, Texas A & M University

Digital or Virtual Options: None

Digital Archives (Recorded talks & slides): None

Electronic program dissemination:

On-site Maternity Facilities: Yes, outlined in Childcare & Guest Guide for Four Points Sheraton:

On-site Childcare Facilities/Services: Yes (GRC offers guest and child registration packages that allow guests to share your accommodations and join you at meals. Children under 4-years-old are free of charge and children ages 4-12 receive a 50percent discount. Additional information is available in the childcare and guest guide for this GRC venue. You may register guests when you complete your conference registration by indicating who will be joining you (all registered guests receive badges for access to meals). Please note that guests of any age are not able to attend science or poster sessions. Unfortunately, childcare recommendations are not available for this venue. We suggest you conduct online searches or speak with other people attending the conference to identify services that might be available during your conference.)

Caregiver Grant: Yes (50percent discount on registeration)

Career Development Events and Workshops: None

ECR Promotion Events: accompanying GRS meeting is dedicated to ECR talks only.

Travel Awards for ECRs: The Car Strom Underrepresented Minority Fellowship: Eligibility: must be: Graduate student, postdoc, faculty or research scientist, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, U.S. Citizen or permanent resident with a Green Card, Currently working at a U.S. institution, Is attending a GRC for the first time.

Code of Conduct:

Safety Instructions/Apps: None

Keynote Speaker Gender Balance: Not Applicable to this meeting.

Speaker Gender Balance: Not Applicable to this meeting.

Invited Speakers Gender Balance: 14 Women: 10 Men

Session Chair Gender Balance: 5 Women: 4 Men

Conference Chair Gender Balance: 1 Man: 1 Woman

Enviromental Sustainability efforts: None

Public Engagement Events Outreach: None

Sustainability Initiatives/Considerations/Green Strategies/Policies: None

Conference URL:

Other Details/Announcements or Publications:

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